Aircon Chemical Wash vs. Aircon Standard Cleaning: Which One is Better?

Because Singapore is one of the many countries that experience humid climate all seasons of the year, hence, it is no surprise that almost all houses have an AC unit installed. However, to make sure that you’re going to have fresh cool air all throughout the year, you must maintain the unit properly. Two of the most common cleaning procedures includes the aircon chemical wash and aircon standard cleaning. Allow us to differentiate the two and help you choose the right cleaning system for you.

Aircon Standard Cleaning

It is considered as one of the most effective preventative measures to avoid potential problems in the long run. The expert will disassemble the parts and look for any sign of a potential problem. After that, they eliminate or fix the problem and install your AC unit back in good condition.

You can opt for the standard cleaning if you notice the accumulation of dust particles in your vents that will hinder the free-flowing of air. Your unit also calls for a standard cleaning once you have rusted and corroded components or faulty bearings.

One of the benefits of aircon overhaul is it can restore clean and crisp air and extends the longevity of your device. It also helps you to save money in the long run by eliminating the problem before it deteriorates into something that could burn a hole in your pocket.

Aircon Chemical Wash

On the other hand, the aircon chemical overhaul is a thorough cleaning of your air conditioning unit by using chemical cleaning products. The expert will disassemble the parts of the AC unit, clean all the parts that are needed to be clean and rinse it with water. After that, he installs the unit back to its place, and you can rest assured that your AC unit is in good working condition.

You can opt for chemical wash aircon if you haven’t cleaned your aircon since you started using it. If the standard cleaning cannot remove the thick accumulation of dust and dirt, you should also opt for chemical wash as it can clean the unit better.

One of the benefits of aircon chemical wash is that they reduce the wear and tear caused by the corrosion. It also makes sure that you have sufficient refrigerant in your AC unit, extending its longevity in the long run. Any harmful bacteria of mold growth inside the AC unit is also killed and removed. Once your AC unit had been chemically overhauled, rest assured that it will not consume a lot of energy, allowing you to save money in the long run.

Now that you know the difference between an aircon chemical wash and aircon standard cleaning choose what you think is the best for your aircon and situation that you are dealing with. Regular maintenance is important to ensure that your aircon will be serving you for the next few years or so.

Signs of a Good Plumber in Singapore

In order to make sure that you don’t experience the same plumbing problems twice, it is important to choose a good plumber in Singapore. Choosing the best plumber for the first time can be a daunting task. Hence, here are the following signs of a trustworthy plumber from SG1 Plumber. Hopefully, it can guide you in choosing the right plumbing firm to attend your needs.

  1.    The plumber is ranked high in BBB

Check the Better Business Bureau for the ranking of the plumbing firm. If they have no unresolved complaints from their past clients, they would be ranked higher on the website. You can also check their accreditations in the website. Their seal of approval will let you know if the plumbing firm is worthy of an interview or not in the first place.

Do not worry because if the firm is discovered of any dishonest practices, the BBB will automatically give them a low grade. They will also be stripped of their accreditations.

  1.    The plumber will let you understand the urgency and impending problems with your plumbing system

A professional plumber will want to examine your plumbing system first before giving you an estimate. In that way, they will know the existing and impending problems with your plumbing system. They will also point out all signs that could lead to a potential problem in the near future. They will differentiate an urgent need from down the road needs of your plumbing system. In that way, you will know the emergency, the chronic existing problems, and all problems that you can also prevent in the process.

They will make sure to provide you the best of services so that they will be called the next time you encounter a problem with your plumbing system.

  1.    A professional plumber shows evidence

They will never urge you into an emergency procedure to solve the problem without showing evidence. They show evidence to let you understand the severity of the problem rather than to scare you. Aside from that, they make sure that you understand the cost of the plumbing repair service. Severe damages can range from a five-figure price tag that’s why it’s important to prevent a problem before it deteriorates.

Most professional plumbers use a sewer line camera. In that way, you’ll be able to see for yourself the existing damage in your sewer line. It will help you to make an informed decision at the end of the day. A professional plumber is always a good explainer. They will not use any complicated terms to intimidate you into executing the procedure he has suggested. They will make sure that everything makes sense to you before you nod your head and pull out cash.

These are the signs of a trustworthy plumber. Keep these signs in mind during your search. If it’s not present in the current plumber that you are interviewing, it must be seen as a red flag. Keep these tips in mind in narrowing down your options to the best plumber in town.

Every Inaction is an Action, in Favour of Inertia.

5 Common Plumbing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Unfortunately, as much as there are numerous qualified and professional firms out there, there are also scammers in the industry. They can reap you of a great amount of money if you are not wary. Here are the five most common plumbing scams and how you can avoid them, a tip from Groff Plumbing.

  1.    The bait and switch

This kind of scam targets gullible people. They are good at talking and will convince you that you are getting the best services out there. After you are convinced to hire them, they will only install an inferior product in your plumbing system and they make you believe that your plumbing system will never experience any damage again. You should be wary and always check the products they are going to install. Don’t forget to ask for the receipt and do your own research about the quality of the product!

  1.    They keep on adding members

So you think you’ve found the best plumbing firm and hired them. While they are working, you noticed that they keep on adding members in your house, claiming that the project requires more workforce. In that way, you end up paying for three different hourly rates because of the number of workers in your house you did not know about.

In order to avoid this scam, create a written contract. After they have examined the damage to your plumbing system, ask the number of hdb licensed plumber plumbers who are going to work for the damage. Include it in the contract and let them sign it as well. Secure the copy so that you can have something to back against them should they bring more guys than what is necessary.

  1.    Higher rates of living in a nice neighborhood

The moment the plumbers walked into your house, they have noticed a nice car sitting in your driveway and some paintings hanging on your wall. They also take note of the 58-inch flat screen TV in your living room and suddenly the rates are elevated!

Why? Because these shady plumbers think that since you are living in a nice neighborhood, you can pay for the amount they are going to ask of you.

  1.    Plumbers the city sent

There are cases in North Carolina wherein a man who claims to be a plumber will come knocking at your door. They will claim that the city sent them in order to inspect your plumbing system.

Once you let them in, they will either rob your house or simply fool you that you have a severe plumbing problem that needs to be fixed immediately. They will pressure you into paying money and executing the procedure as soon as possible in order to avoid the problem from deteriorating. That’s why it’s very important to always ask for their license before you let them enter your house.

These are just some of the plumbing scams that you can avoid. Always be wary and alert. It can save you a lot of money in the long run if you can avoid these scammers in the plumbing industry!

Top Tips For Finding The Best Car Rental Company

Most people assume that renting a car will be fairly easy. This is true if you choose the right rental car company. However, if you choose the wrong rental company, you will have a lot of issues with getting a rental car that suits your needs for a price that suits your budget.

Look At Reputation

One of the first steps that you have to take when looking for the best rental company is to check their reputation. According to jc rent car company,  the best place to look at reputation will be online reviews. These reviews will give you an idea of what other people have gone through with the company which will generally be the experience you will have. Of course, you need to be careful with online reviews because you are only getting one side of the story and people who have a bad experience are generally more likely to leave a review.

Look At Hidden Fees And Extras

When you look at a rental car company, you need to consider what their fees and extras will be. These fees and extras may be hidden in the terms and conditions so you need to take the time to look for them. The best company will be open about the fees and will not have many hidden extras.

Some of the fees that you should look at will include the fuel tank top-off. If the company has to top-off the tank after you return, you are going to be paying more per litre than if you do this yourself. Other extras could be the sales tax which is often added after clicking through in the rental car website.

Consider The Insurance

When it comes to the insurance that the rental car company offers, you can often be under pressure to take this. It is important to note that you do not have to take the insurance, but you have to carefully consider this. You need to read through the information provided about the insurance coverage then consider it in terms of your situation.

There is a chance that your auto insurance will cover rental cars as well. In these cases, you will not have to take the additional insurance because you are already covered. You should also check your credit card as they might offer collision coverage as well.

Do They Have The Car You Want?

The most important factor to consider when looking at a rental car company is if they have the type of car that you want. If the company does not have the category of car that you want, you will need to look elsewhere. You should not have to compromise on the type of car because the rental company does not have what you want.

There are many tips that you should know about which will help you choose the best car rental company. These tips will ensure that you have the right car for your trip as well as the correct insurance. You should also consider all of the hidden costs and extras that the company may want to charge.

What are the expert tips for keeping your AC safe in Singapore?

To relieve from hot weather condition during the summer and the humidity of air most of the day in the tropics like Singapore, one has to make their AC on all the time. AC has been the leading machine to help people feel comfortable in the hot season. Offices, buildings, schools, business establishments and homes use AC and other appliance to aid the uncomfortable feeling in the hot days and even at night time. Since this machine is really helpful to man, it may also bring danger if not used properly or not taken care of. As this machine uses electricity to power, electrical malfunctions may arise and would lead to trouble and accidents.

Here are some of the safety tips for using your AC based from singapore aircon servicing expert:

First, if there are electrical concerns that need to be done at home, you have to make sure to call a professional and licensed electrician to do the thing. This will ensure that no one in the house will be hurt and you can guarantee that everything’s going well if you hire a professional and not doing it by yourself. Electrical issues have to be raised at this time and this is really very risky if you opt to do it on your own as it can cause death if you’ll mistakenly connect something. Many have been experiencing lots of electrical shocks that you should not afford to happen within your family.

Second, there are some cases that one of your appliances at home especially your AC needs to be repaired. If this would be the case, you have to contact a reliable technician to fix your AC so that the problem will be diagnosed the soonest. This can lessen your problem in the future. There are some people who used to fix their own AC as if they know how to but later on, they just create more damage and may cost them some more.

Third, you have to suitably secure your AC unit as there are a lot of reported fire incidents brought by electrical malfunctions. Part of securing your AC performance is by changing its air filters from time to time.

Fourth, you have to have a good maintenance record of your AC. This means that there should be a monthly cleaning or unit checking to avoid any problem in the future. If there is, it could just be minimal and won’t cost you a lot.  You have to call the service of your AC maintenance team so they can help you make your AC more durable and less cost consuming.

And lastly, you have to make sure that you have the AC manual with you. This manual was designed to give you guidelines on how to properly take good care of the unit. It also provides basic cleaning procedures and specific measures to perform simple troubleshooting if uncomplicated problems take place.


Thinking about the fast-approaching and unstoppable onset of the summertime of this year will surely bring excitement to those who love the season of seas, sands, breeze, and salty air. People are probably starting to plan the where and the when of their summer vacation.

However, not all of the people are going to go out and have fun under the shining sun and the salty breeze. Some people may just be stuck inside the comforts of their abode since constraints on various factors such as work schedule, money constraints, and time constraints may just be having adverse effects towards their most anticipated summer getaway. Lucky for those who can travel but to those who cannot, worry any more since you have your Air conditioners readily available in your home.

However, since your AC was used so many times for a long time already to keep the balance of your home during the cold season. You may have noticed that your air conditioner is not blowing or producing as cold air unlike before. This reduction in performance of your air conditioner may be a sign of dust accumulated in the filter of your air conditioner. This problem does not cause any alarm to the part of the air conditioner owners since they can clean these filters by themselves at the comforts of their own home. There is no need to hire a really expensive air cleaning service provider since cleaning the air filter of your air conditioner is very much doable by you or any other member in your household. Listed below are the ways for billy aircon that guarantees no sweat air conditioner air filter cleaning for a homebody like you.

Refer to the manual 

Almost all appliances have manuals to ensure that product is used the way it is intended. More likely than not, self-service maintenance guidelines and procedures may be written on or is available on the manual. With this said, in cleaning your air filter, always refer to the instructions written from this helpful tool.

Slowly open the air conditioner

Before doing this tip, ensure that the air conditioner is completely detached from an electric source so that at the duration of cleaning, electrocution will be avoided.

Remove its filters slowly

 Upon removing the filters, do a brief examination on your air conditioners filters since it has not been cleaned for a period of time. Examine the overall condition of the air filters whether there are other wear and tear damages on it.

Vacuum the dust

After examining the current condition of your air conditioner’s air filter and discovering that there are no other damages on it, you can now get your vacuum and start vacuuming the accumulated dust on the filters.

Sanitize it and soak it

After dusting comes sanitizing and soaking to ensure that the tiny filters are completely dust-free and dirt-free.

Drain it and dry it

From the previous soaking, allow the mixture to be drained form our filters since doing otherwise would damage the air filters.

Return the filters to the unit

After all the previous steps, it is now ready to be placed back in the air conditioner so you can enjoy cold air despite the harsh summer.

Find out more about air conditioner cleaning service in singapore by following us.


Here Are Five Of The Best Food Hawker Centres In Singapore

It’s one thing to visit the best restaurants in Singapore and perhaps attend one of the annual food festivals, but you should also check out food hawker centres on the island. There is nothing quite like experiencing an open air market of food vendors where you can pick up all kinds of great dishes to eat. Would you like to learn not only about some of the best food hawker centres in Singapore but also the best dishes they are known for? Here are five of them.

The Maxwell Food Centre is located at 1 Kadayanallur Street. Chicken rice, carrot cake and fried banana fritters are just some of what’s served up at this establishment. How do those sound to you? You are going to find a ton of food options, and Tian Tian is a dish you definitely want to make room for according to the reviews. People also rave about the Zhen Zhen Porridge. Just a visit to this one food centre is going to give you a solid idea of what the food is like on the island of Singapore. Yet you have plenty more places to visit.

The next top hawker centre to visit in Singapore is the Adam Road Food Centre in Bukit Timah. Located at 2 Adam Road, this food centre is said to be a wonderful experience. Prawn Noodles are said to be one of the best dishes to try. Just like the Maxwell Food Centre, the Adam Road Food Centre is also known for its carrot cake. The Adam Road Food Centre is an older and more well-established place, and you are going to love the culture that you find there. According to reviews, you might want to stop by this area if you are planning on a trip to the Botanic Gardens.

If you’re not yet familiar, the Botanic Gardens are one of the top attractions on the entire island. They highlight the beauty of Singapore, and the flavor of Singapore is highlighted by all of the wonderful hawker centres. 178 Lor Mee is one spot you definitely have to visit for some delicious food. Why? You have to try one of the signature dishes, shark meat fritters. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Are you ready to try out another food centre? The Tekka Centre in Singapore is located along Serangoon and Timah Roads. Have you ever tried marsala tea? The donuts, garlic naan and other great foods you will find make this hawker centre a great place to visit. Not only are you going to get to eat well, but you can count on great food, too. As a matter of fact, reviews mention that you can also expect affordable prices, which is great for getting to eat more. People say this is where to get some of the best Indian food in Singapore, too, as the centre has more options for that specific cuisine than any other centre on the island.

Lau Pa Sat is a hawker centre, but it is also described by some people to be a more sophisticated food court. It all depends on perspective I suppose, but either way, it a great place to stop by. Imagine all the great food that is going to be served up at that hawker centre, which is located at 18 Raffles Quay Telok Ayer Festival Market. As a matt of fact, you have all kinds of great places to stop by as you get ready to visit these five hawker centres that were mentioned. They are some of the best, but there is still much more to experience in Singapore.

Benefits Of Getting a Diploma In Business Administration

If you are thinking about getting a diploma, you are heading in the right direction. Getting yourself a diploma on mantissa course can set you up to succeed in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Being able to get a diploma in business administration will allow you to receive many benefits. Below, we will be going over some of them.

Benefits Of Getting a Diploma In Business Administration:

1. Stand Out.

One of the main reasons you are going to want to attempt to get a diploma in business administration is to be able to effectively stand out in the job market. A lot of people are going to have degrees in today’s competitive landscape. Therefore, in order to successfully stand out, you will need a degree of your own. Having your own degree will allow you to get the most out of your education and it should allow you to stand out or at least stand up to the competition at hand.

2. Learn More.

Another benefit that you are going to be able to get from getting your degree is the ability to be able to learn more about the entire business field. Because you will have all kinds of information at your disposal and because you will be taught by experienced teachers, it is going to help maximize your ability to learn everything that you need to know to become better at business.

3. Better Pay.

Another good thing that you can get from getting your diploma would be the ability to ask for better pay. Because you are going to be much more qualified than if you were to have no diploma at all, it is going to allow you to ask more money for the job that you perform. Being able to ask for more money will only help boost the amount that you can expect to earn. Being able to get better pay will ultimately make you much happier because you will be doing less work for more reward.

4. Optimise Your Processes.

Another good thing about getting your degree is the ability to optimise your processes and learn how to become much more efficient and effective. Through the program, you will end up learning more about business and how to implement various strategies. Being able to learn about these strategies and processes will allow you to become much better overall at a variety of business tasks.

5. Learn Proper Organisation.

Another good thing about getting your diploma is the ability to learn how to properly organise things. Because you will be going to class after class about different aspects of business, it can force you to become a much more organised person overall. Being able to become more organised will lead you to become a better business person by default. Overall, learning better organisation techniques can put you in a good position to succeed.

Overall, there are a lot of different reasons you will want to consider getting a diploma in business administration. Not only will it help allow you to achieve better success within the entire industry, but it will help increase your knowledge of various aspects related to business which can make you a much more compelling employee. You will also learn how to work well with other team members which can boost your ability to work in groups. Lastly, it is going to make you much more competitive when it comes to competing for a job and being able to land a job that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to without having the same degree. It is a must in today’s competitive landscape.

Best Car Rental Company In Penang Available Today

When you travel to Penang in Malaysia, there are quite a few destinations that you might be visiting that will require you to drive there. In other cases, you could be doing business meetings. The type of car that you rent should be smaller, allowing you to drive around affordably. It also affords you the opportunity to get into tight parking spaces. If you are staying for several weeks, you might be able to get a substantial deal. They tend to discount these cars if you are going to spend several weeks in their country. Here is a quick overview of where you can get the best car rentals review from Penang companies that will offer you great deals as long as you are combining everything into a package.

Where To Start Searching For These Rental Companies

As will all travel plans that you are going to do, you are going to begin with the travel website. It doesn’t matter which one you start with, but you do need to go through them all. It is almost impossible to find a vehicle without it. If you arrive there, but you have not rented one, it is likely that you will not find one available. The smaller the car the better if you are traveling alone. If you happen to be bringing someone with you, a slightly larger one will work. The reason for the smaller size has to do not only with gas mileage, but the ability to park at the different places that you will be visiting. If you are traveling there for business, it needs to be large enough to accommodate the people that may be driving with you to the different destinations. These are things to consider as you are looking at the rental companies that offer low prices on cars in this particular area of Malaysia.

How To Get The Best Deals Possible

To get the best possible deals, you need to combine everything into one particular purchase. For example, you could be traveling there to spend a few weeks. You might be going all over the island, and to do this comfortably, you need to have a car this large enough for everyone. At the same time, it’s important to have one that is going to get fantastic gas mileage. They will likely have a multitude of different choices to choose from. This is true for every company that you will find on the web. Most of the best deals come from those that are contracted with hotels and airlines. They will discount the car, sometimes including it in the package itself.

Will It Take Long To Find One Of These?

It’s likely going to take you no more than an hour to get everything booked. That’s how easy it is to do on the web. This is a very popular part of Malaysia, and whether this is for business or pleasure, rental cars will always be available. If you are landing at the main airport, they will have a shuttle that will take you directly to the location where you can pick yours up. You should have your printed documentation with you. Most people, however, are going to have everything on their smart phone. You will simply should show them that, they will scan it, and then you will be able to get your car.

If you have not travel to this area of Malaysia before, for business or a vacation, you will be very excited once you get to drive around. However, you need to be prepared to rent a car that is going to fit all of your luggage, people coming with you, plus give you very good gas mileage. For those that are traveling for the first time, you might want to have something larger. You don’t know how far you are going to travel throughout Malaysia. Either way, you are going to get an exceptional deal from a car rental penang – Big Thumb that is working with the airlines and hotels. Use these tips to start saving money on your trip to Malaysia this year.

4 Types of Locksmith Services Offered in Singapore

Before you start looking for the best locksmith in your area, you should first know the various types of locksmith services that are available in Singapore. In that way, you can rest assured that you are hiring the right person to do the job. Here are the five types of services Singaporean locksmiths offer.

  1.    Private locksmith jobs

This refers to locksmiths that are self-employed. They work to the issues of their clients directly and does not represent any company. Most of them are located in your local area and have basic locksmithing sills such as opening your locked house or car. Typically they have a small office you can visit, and some have their own staff.

  1.    In-house locksmith jobs

Large companies will hire an in-house professional locksmith and door lock supplier singapore  such as educational institutions, hospitals, and municipal governments. Jails also have their own in-house locksmith. Their main job is to ensure that the security system of the organization is well-functioning. Aside from that, they maintain the lock systems that are installed and replace the old ones if necessary. Automotive companies also have their own locksmiths in case one of their clients asks for the help of a locked out car.

  1.    Security firm locksmith job

Most of the professional locksmiths are working for security firms. For instance, a real estate company hires a professional locksmith to replace the old lock systems if the property is about sold to a buyer. They also need their services in upgrading the security system of a building to maintain their reputation and install the latest security features in the market. Most of these professional locksmiths have advanced knowledge when it comes to electronic security systems because it can offer a greater sense of protection and advanced security features.

  1.    Locksmith specializations

Most of the locksmiths are tasked with fixing, replacing, and installing a new lock system. However, it doesn’t end there because there is a number of specializations that they indulged themselves into. For instance, some locksmith experts work on breaking an old lock system that hasn’t been touched for centuries. Some are cracking safes that had been shut out for a long time. Most of the locksmiths nowadays also improve their knowledge and skills when it comes to complex electronic systems in serving large corporations. On the other hand, some professionals prefer the automotive security, cutting keys fit for a car or studying the complex mechanism or a car and improving it for a new model to be released in the market. They are tasked with improving the security that would increase the value of the car as well.

Now that you know the types of locksmith services that are offered in Singapore, it’ll be easier for you to narrow down your options and choose the right locksmith for the job. Since there is numerous locksmith in the country, knowing what type of locksmith services you need will help you to save time in looking for the professional to address your issue.

Why Do You Need an Emergency Plumbing Service?

Did you notice these days how there is a rising need for emergencies?  The usual emergencies that have been catered to before were medical emergencies. But today, almost everything that needs emergency, even as simple as trying to find out how to use a digital camera can be a phone call away. But what about with the plumbing system? Are there times that you need to address it in emergencies? You’ve seen them a lot, but you never even considered that they can be done in residential places, too. When you find a part of your plumbing system is causing flood in your home that would be the time that you’ll need the assistance of a professional plumber.

The owner of the property is expected to have a lookout for the plumber. He must be a professional wherein his area of specialization lies in maintaining and installing systems that are used for drinking water, drainage area and the sewage. Because of these areas of the that need to be addressed, there is a need for reputable professional plumbers. Experts are equipped with the right knowledge and experience.

Aside from the convenience of offering you their services any time of the day, they are also equipped with the right kind of skills and knowledge that will address every plumbing problems that you have. They need to do this because their expertise is high in demand during emergencies. It can be dangerous when the homeowner does it without the proper knowledge, too. It can be any emergency that you want addressed. It might be that the water heater is not working normally early 5 in the morning. Or the toilet might need some work at 2 in the morning. You might also need a plumber that has the knowledge and skills in fixing a burst pipe quickly. In each of these situations that you face, you are assured that the emergency plumber is ready and that they are able to deliver most of the solutions.

Customer Service
The last thing that you want to happen is when the plumber that worked in your home’s plumbing system can’t be contacted after you found something went wrong with the job they did. This isn’t the kind of customer service you should be looking for.However, this is not the only service that you should look out for from plumbing supplier Singapore.

Some of them provide their services hours that are convenient for them to work on. The emergency plumbers work differently. They are the ones that will work for the client’s every time of need, even if that emergency takes place at dawn. It is an emergency plumbing service for a reason.

Another great benefit you’ll get from emergency plumbing services is that they do not cost any different from the regular services that plumbing workers do on a regular basis. Whatever that you usually pay for a 4pm fee is the same amount you pay for a 4am fee.

How To Recharge Your Car’s AC System

The refrigerant gas in your car’s AC system will need to be occasionally recharged. To do this, you will need to add more refrigerant to the AC system to ensure that your car remains cool in hot weather. Many people go to a garage to have this done, but it is something that you will be able to do on your own.

Determine If You Have Refrigerant In The System

Before you start recharging your system, you need to check if there is any refrigerant in the system at all. To do this you will need to fit a charging hose to the low-pressure port which is near the accumulator. It is important that you wear eye protection at this point.

If the system is completely discharged it could be contaminated with moisture and recharging will not provide the results you want. The receiver dryer will need to be replaced and the source of the leak found and sealed. You should also consider adding compressor oil if the system has been leaking.

Tap The Refrigerant Can

Once you have checked the system, you will need to tap the refrigerant can. This is done by fully opening the tapping fitting valve which will then retract the tapping pin. This is important because if you fail to do so the tap will puncture the can when it is installed. This will release the refrigerant before the fitting can be sealed and is something that you will want to avoid.

Thread And Tap The Refrigerant Can

You can now securely thread the tapping valve onto the refrigerant can. Once this is done, you will need to close the valve completely. The pin in the valve will drive into the top of the can and release the refrigerant when the valve is opened.

Purge The Charging Hose

You will now have to open the valve until you hear the refrigerant fill it. You then need to slowly loosen the brass fitting which connects the hose to the valve. You need to ensure that you do not allow the refrigerant to touch your bare skin as it will freeze it on contact. Once you hear refrigerant escaping, you will need to retighten the hose and this will force any air from the hose.

Locate The Low-Pressure Charging Port

The low pressure charging port will be on the refrigerant line of your car. This is a larger tube which will also be located near to the accumulator. You will have to connect the quick coupling and ensure that it is not leaking.

Turn On The AC

At this point, you will need to turn on the engine and place the AC on high cool and high fan. If the recharging hose you use has a pressure gauge you need to determine if the system is in need of refrigerant. If the pressure is steady and in the recommended range, your system is full and does not need recharging. However, if the pressure is low you will need to recharge the system.